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ADHD, Advocacy, NHS

Clinical Guideline (CG72) ADHD: diagnosis & management Update

NICE Guidelines are recommendations for the treatment and care of people with ADHD by health professionals within the NHS. They are based on the best available research evidence and their aim is to improve the quality of healthcare. The guidelines are also used to develop standards to assess the clinical practice of ADHD clinics and services and are used in the education and training of health professionals. They also help us, people with ADHD, to make informed decisions and improve communication between us and the health professionals. When a guideline is developed, organisations can register as stakeholders (AADD-UK is a registered stakeholder) which means that they are consulted throughout the development process.

The original guidelines (on the diagnosis and management of ADHD) were published in September 2008 and are now being updated. The update covers the areas of identification of risk factors, post diagnostic advice, non-pharmacological and pharmacological management and intervention adherence for children, young people and adults with a diagnosis of ADHD. It does not cover any other aspect from the previous guideline.

The consultation period started on the 6th September 2017 and will end on 18th October 2017 at 5 pm. The updated guidelines are expected to be published on 21st February 2018.

NICE accepts comments during the consultation period from organisations that are registered as stakeholders but individuals can submit comments by contacting the stakeholder organisation that most closely represents their interests. AADD-UK is a stakeholder organisation and will be submitting comments so if you would like to add your suggestions or comments please feel free to send them to us by email at Here is a link to the NICE website with more information about the ADHD Guideline update.


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