
Welcome to AADD-UK Talk

Please Note: We have reviewed the way we manage data protection and are currently making a few changes to the forum as well as updating our Privacy Policy so that we will be compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which comes into effect on 25 May 2018.

AADD-UK Talk is our online discussion forum where you can ask questions, and chat with others about ADHD and related matters. Information posted on the forum boards can support but not replace the relationship between you and your doctors or other healthcare professionals.

We don’t really have rules for this forum (most of us don’t read them anyway) but  since it is a supportive forum for adults affected by ADHD (including partners & spouses) please respect the opinions of others and avoid arguments.

You do not need to register in  order to view and post messages.

Please be aware that this is a public forum and your postings are open for all to see.

And that’s an  end to the formal stuff so come on in and meet us by clicking on the following words:

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Note to advertisers: since this is a peer support forum, we ask that you refrain from posting advertisements for commercial services and products on the forum.

Note to researchers: we are keen to facilitate research which will benefit people with ADHD and you are allowed to recruit people for research projects by posting on our  forum.  But, the following terms must be met and must be clearly stated in your post:

  1. You must first register as a member before you can place a post

2.  Researchers must be at postgraduate level and beyond

3. Your  post must include the following 12 items: project title, project description, the project objective, the design/methods of the project, characteristics of required participants, main outcome measures, names & status of researchers, name of funding bodies, names of any other involved organisations, starting date of project, expected completion date, and contact details.

4. You must also include details of ethical approval.

Any posts which do not meet these criteria will be deleted.

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Review date: 23/05/2018; Next review due: 24/05/2019

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