Contact Us

Note to researchers:

We are keen to facilitate research which will benefit people with ADHD and you are allowed to recruit people for research projects by posting on the Research Board on our forum, but you will need to register as a  member before you can place a post. Please note the following terms must be met and must be clearly stated in your post:

1. Researchers must be at postgraduate level and beyond

2. Your post must include the following 12 items: project title, project description, the project objective, the design/methods of the project, characteristics of required participants, main outcome measures, names & status of researchers, name of funding bodies, names of any other involved organisations, starting date of project, expected completion date, and contact details.

3. You must also include details of ethical approval.

Any posts which do not meet these criteria will be deleted. You will find our forum here.

Note to Specialists/Psychologists/Support Groups/Coaches:

If you wish to be added to our lists, please email us at and provide us with the following 8 details: Name, professional qualifications, experience, referral details, whether private or NHS, location, website, & contact details.

Note to marketers:

You may place notices for meetings and events (but not for products & services) that are ADHD related on our Forum. Notices must be legal, decent, honest and truthful in line with the British Code of Advertising, Sales Promotion and Direct Marketing (The CAP Code) which is available on the website for the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). For example: prices quoted must include non-optional taxes, duties, fees and charges that apply to all or most buyers; links to commercial enterprises must be clearly stated; exaggerated claims must not be made; qualifications must be clearly stated; where the promotion states that part of the price paid will be given to a charity or cause, the actual amount given must be stated; and if the promotion implies that donations will be given to a charity or cause, the total amount (or a reasonable estimate) to be given must be stated. Notices must also comply with all other aspects of the code. Free copy advice is available from the Copy Advice Service to help you avoid breaking the rules and potential action by the Advertising Standards Authority.

You must not post notices advertising your products or services on our forum. Any such posts will be deleted.

AADD-UK reserves the right to report any marketers that do not comply with the CAP Code to the ASA, and also reserves the right to delete any postings.

If there is anything on this page you would like to discuss, or if you have any questions, please join us in our Forum here. 

Review date: 04/05/2017; Next review due: 05/05/2018

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One thought on “Contact Us

  1. Hi, I’m just handling the web site at the moment so can’t go into detail but I please re-post this on our forum. Depending on the size of your screen you may need to scroll down a bit to find the link on that page.

    Posted by AADD-UK | August 26, 2015, 8:54 am